
Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2016

Sublimation printer - advice service support - Serwis drukarek Optima-md

What is sublimation - Drukarka do sublimacji naprawa drukarek Częstochowa - Optima-md Basically, here it is sublimation printing ink ink, which then under the influence of temperature and pressure is transferred to the data media. During this process, the ink passes from the volatile state in the gas, which migrates and is deposited in the form of a mirror image according to the prepared media. The whole process in its simplest comprises the steps as follows: Preparing print design in any graphics program, eg. Corel Photo Shop, etc. Printing from a computer on a specially prepared powered printer ink to freeze or gel on paper freeze in the mirror. Paper dries out, if required depending on the type of paper Przeschniętą card attach to the media on which you want to transfer printing Heat transfer to the press at a specific temperature, time and pressure After a preset time elapses take off the paper from the media and the print remains eg. On a mug or T-shirt. It is enou